General Table Rules
Zero Tolerance Policy
Bigotry or hate speech of any kind will not be tolerated. Bullying and spotlight hogging is not permitted, in or out of character.
Ban Hammer
I reserve the right to ban anyone at any time. One hopes that there would be discussion and warnings beforehand, but vile actions will suffer immediate consequences.
replacement policy
While I'd love to be able to DM for everyone, this is my job, I am providing a service. Failure to pay will result in not being permitted to play, and being absent for 3 games without word will have you removed from the game, and a replacement will be sought.
Respect each other, as well as myself. Respect the time and energy being dedicated to host a great game. Respect the time and energy your fellow players have put into character creation.
sensitive topics
Triggers and off-the-table topics will be discussed prior to playing, and will be respected. If you have arachnophobia, the game will have no spiders. Simple.
Open door policy
I want - and need - to know if anyone is made uncomfortable by either my actions or those of another. I take criticism well, no need to fear offending me. However, if another player is creating a problem behind the scenes, please let me know. You will not be vilified and actions will be taken to rectify.
In-Game House Rules
It is totally okay if you are a new player and don't understand these rules. I will guide you as we play!
Milestone leveling
Regardless of attendance, everyone's character will always be the same level across the board. You will not be punished for missing sessions, putting you behind others.
Exhaustion levels
If your character is dealt damage putting them below zero, and then healed, they gain 1 level of exhaustion. This effect stacks, gaining exhaustion levels each time they are knocked below zero HP.
drinking potions
For oneself to drink a potion, it costs 1 bonus action. To feed a potion to another costs 1 action.
No ammo
If you have the bow, you have the arrows. Standard arrows only, any specialty ammo must be tracked. The same goes for spell components, I don't use them.
When two allies surround an enemy, placing themselves on opposite sides, it is considered flanking. When flanking, attacks are made with advantage.
track. your. health.
And spell slots. Do not heal your character or restore spell slots unless prompted to.
!!! consent !!!
The most important rule of all, CONSENT! Your character is yours. The Orc may not throw the Dwarf simply because they are small. The Dwarf must consent to the idea of being thrown by the Orc.